PROVINCE ACTS OF VIOLATIONS HR MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF HR VIOLATIONS Assault Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Total Right to liberty and security of person Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 4 20 4 28 Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood 36 3 1 40 The intra-party conflicts and political intolerance within MDC-T party emerged as the major sources of conflict in the province. Reports of harassment over Independence Day celebrations were also recorded.  18/4/14- On the national Independence Day, at Tombo (Nyanga South), a Zanu PF activist Juliet Mukura physically attacked an MDC-T activist who was among the gathering attending the independence commemorations. She declared that independence is not for MDCs but for Zanu PF members only.  5/4/14- In Chimanimani West at Biriiri business centre, Mukamba a village head summoned villagers to a village meeting where he, Chiswa and Mukono from Zanu PF addressed the meeting. During the meeting they demanded that each household pays $1 each for independence celebrations. The environment was generally calm with a few cases of harassment and threats of eviction for supporting the opposition party during the 2013 elections. Intra-party conflicts within the MDC-T party were not as pronounced as the previous month. Manicaland HR/FREEDOMS VIOLATED # OF ACTS INCIDENCES OF POLITICALLY MOTIVATED VIOLATIONS   Midlands  5 10/4/14 - A Zanu PF supporter of Chirumanzu Sebagwe Ward 21 was threatened with eviction by Zanu PF leader Jose Madiro at a developmental meeting held at Chishuku Primary School. The victim is accused of voting for the opposition in the July 2013 elections. 25/4/14 The Gweru District Administrator was moving in the resettlement area of Sono and reminded one MDC-T activist that he was supposed to leave the area by June 1, 2014. It is alleged that his eviction was based on his political affiliation to MDC-T party. 29/4/14- An MDC-T activist of Eskombingo in Lower Gweru Vungu Ward 33 Makulambila village was threatened with eviction by a group of people led by Dhlamo Dube who claimed to be a war-veteran. The victim referred the matter to the kraal head who assured him that no evictions will be effected in his village.

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