February 2018 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS protesters at Harare Central police station who demanded answers on why the police had opened fire on unarmed citizens. late MDC-T President. Some youths affiliated to MDC-T vice president Chamisa threatened to unleash violence on those perceived to have opposed his appointment as acting president by the MDC-T National Council. They reportedly attempted to assault MDC-T vice president Mudzuri whom they accused of boycotting a National Council meeting convened by Chamisa. However, party youths from the security structures intervened to maintain order. Figure 3: Crowd confronts police at Harare Central Police Station Category of incident Feb 2018 Jan 2018 Assault 5 2 Discrimination 0 4 MDP 2 2 Intimidation/harassment 7 14 Murder 3 0 Figure 4: Police stand guard outside Harare Central Police Station Two vehicles were burnt during the conflict. Threat level: Medium Despite a statement by ZEC that it is an offence to record serial numbers from BVR voter registration slips, Zanu PF activists have continued to violate the Electoral Act and section 156(c) of the constitution. On 14 February in Kuwadzana ward 7, 3 Zanu PF activists led by Mrs Bande (house number 1082 Crowborough phase 2) reportedly conducted a community outreach in Crowborough recording serial numbers. During the month of February, the province recorded a total of 17 cases of human rights violations. These included violations around the electoral act, right to personal security, political rights and the right to food and water. The month saw the violation of the electoral act rapidly decreasing following the public condemnation of the practice of collecting serial numbers by ZEC and the police. However, some remote areas still recorded such violations. The notable constituencies which recorded violations related to the electoral act were Chipinge East, Mutare On 15 February a case of factionalism within the MDC-T was reported at late President Tsvangirai’s Highlands residence in Harare where mourners had gathered to pay tribute to the 8

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