February 2018 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS supporters. Residents were assaulted for wearing opposition regalia and in some cases threatened and intimidated for discussing the current political situation by the same officers. An MDC-T supporter was seriously assaulted by Zanu PF activists in Banket for celebrating and wearing a T-shirt inscribed with Tsvangirai’s picture. Opposition supporters have been assaulted, intimidated and denied farming inputs. 90% of the violations recorded in Mashonaland West have been perpetrated by Zanu PF activists. A case of intra-party violence was recorded in Kadoma Central in the MDC-T camp over transport logistics to the funeral of their late President. Factional strife in the MDC-T has been rekindled by succession wrangles. Figure 7. Zanu PF cell register An MDC-T supporter was assaulted by Zanu PF activists in Banket at Kuwadzana shopping Centre on 19 February. It is alleged that Henry Kanhema was brutally assaulted for wearing MDC-T party regalia and celebrating the life of the late MDC-T leader. Kanhema sustained deep injuries on the head was rushed to Banket hospital where he was stitched. The case was reported at Banket Police station and one of the suspects was arrested while the others are still at large. Category of incident Feb 2018 Jan 2018 Assault 4 0 Theft/looting 0 1 Discrimination 0 2 Intimidation/harassment 10 9 Disrupted Political Mtng 1 0 Threat level: Medium The province recorded a number of human rights violations. The cases recorded in Masvingo this past month ranged from the right to personal security, the electoral act, right to food and also notably the freedom to profession or trade recorded in Gutu Central. During the month under review the right to personal security was violated, the outstanding cases being of a villager who was Figure 6. Henry Kanhema of Banket assaulted by Zanu PF supporters 11

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