February 2018 HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS contribute in the Zimbabwean liberation struggle to lead them.’ These sentiments were in a clear reference to the MDC-T acting President Chamisa. Chiefs vowed to do everything within their powers to ensure that Chamisa does not win. Threat level: Low During the month of February residents of Goromonzi North at Craig James Farm, witnessed an inhuman and unjustified eviction. The eviction brought forth a series of violations ranging from socio-economic to civil and political rights. 32 families were unlawfully evicted and left in dire need of shelter, food and water as the rains pounced on them on the road. The dubious land baron behind the evictions was identified as Chris Tandi who is alleged to have invaded the farm during the fast track land reform program. Greediness and corrupt tendencies of influential senior political players and dubious land barons has been the main driver in unlawful evictions. Figure 5. Stranded residents evicted from St Craigs Farm Category of incident Feb 2018 Jan 2018 Assault 1 1 Theft/looting 0 0 Discrimination 3 3 Displacement 1 0 Torture 1 0 Intimidation/harassment 12 15 Meanwhile violations in the province were circled around forced gathering, intimidation and people being coerced to surrender their voters’ registration serial numbers. The main perpetrators of these violations were traditional leaders and Zanu PF youths. These violations were rife in Murehwa North, Seke, Mudzi South and Uzumba. MDC-T supporters in the province were also intimidated and in some cases assaulted for celebrating the life of their late President. Zanu PF activists desire a one party state seen in the manner they have tried to crash all opposition activities. Meanwhile, Chiefs in Mashonaland East have declared support for Zanu PF as the country braces for elections. Chief Musarurwa said; ‘Chiefs will not allow anyone who did not Threat level: Low Cases involving the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) officers perpetrating violence in Mashonaland West were high during the month of February. Opposition supporters had their political rights and freedom of expression infringed by the ZNA officers. In Kariba and Chakari the ZNA officers assaulted and intimidated opposition 10

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