4 | MONTHLY MONITORING REPORT APRIL 2024 Violations of rights and freedoms by soldiers In three incidents, the members of the defence forces have been recorded harassing and assaulting civilians. In Chegutu West, Ward 3, 2 members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) wearing red berets, raided Springs of Grace Academy College on 11 April and harassed teachers accusing them of conducting holiday lessons against government policy. The soldiers jumped over the school gate and harrassed teachers during time for classes leaving both class practitioners and students terrified. Later that day, the soldiers reportedly carried out a similar raid at Pfupajena Government School in ward 6 and teachers present ran for their lives leaving learners in classes. On the 29th of April in the Gweru Central Business District, around 10 members of the Zimbabwe National Army raided and physically assaulted street money changers. 8 males were assaulted using sjamboks. The victims were later released by the army officers and no arrests were made. The assault, a violation of the right to personal security (Section 52), followed the Vice President of Zimbabwe, Constantino Chiwenga’s remarks threatening violence on money changers. He said “We wouldn’t want you (money changers) to end up being crippled after being attacked” during his address to ZANU PF supporters in Harare East ahead of the April 27 by-elections. This occurred at a time of the introduction of a new currency, the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) by the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe and the government’s efforts to curb speculation and illegal trading in foreign currency. The Defense Forces, according to Section 211 of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, must ‘respect the fundamental rights and freedoms of all persons and be non-partisan.’ The degrading treatment of teachers and money changers by soldiers may induce fear and effects of psychological torture in the victims. The violation of the victims’ right to personal security shows a disregard of the constitutional mandate of the security forces to protect the people of Zimbabwe and uphold the constitution as stated in Section 212. Image Source: The Standard Newspaper

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