which Makoni associated with the G40 faction on the day of the incident. The two met at Mary Ward Primary School and Makoni who is said to be sympathising with the Lacoste faction allegedly told Nyamayaro to remove the t-shirt and he complied due to fear of further victimisation. During a Zimbabwe People First (ZimPF) meeting that was held on 25 May at Rutendo Hall in Redcliff police are alleged to have stormed in and disrupted the meeting. The reason they gave was that the same venue had been booked for a Zanu PF meeting so they were supposed to make way for that to avoid political clashes and misunderstandings. Lawrence Moyo and Ruvimbo Zhou who were leading the deliberations said that they doubted the venue could have been double booked. In company of the police was a Zanu PF member by the name Dhidhidhi of Baghdad area. In Vungu ward 5, it was reported that on 19 May a villager *Thandiwe Sithole was barred from attending village meetings because she is an opposition party supporter. It is alleged that village head Marvis Dube asked Sithole to leave the gathering that had been called by the village head as part of the routine village meetings in Nkani village. It was said that Dube told the villagers who had gathered that Sithole was a sell out since she has been seen all over the ward campaigning for the MDC-T on several occasions. Sithole was further told that she must leave the Nkani village and seek a new home somewhere before the 2018 polls as she may spoil Zanu PF’s chances of winning so that the village is left with only genuine Zanu PF supporters. This disturbed Sithole who felt her rights of accessing information related to development in the area violated. Threat level: low It is alleged that on 21 May Zanu PF youths who were on a campaign programme for the Chiwundura primary elections stabbed a member of the MDC-T youth wing, *Tawana Mizi, at Gambiza Shopping Centre in Chiwundura, Gweru. The MDC-T supporter was stabbed during violent clashes between Zanu PF supporters belonging to different factions. *Mizi was rushed to Gweru Provincial Hospital. The issue was reported to the police but no arrests have been made. In Mutare West at Zedza Primary School and Holy Ghost College it was reported that since the commencement of the second term, pupils have continuously been turned away over failure to pay fees. *Nathaniel Choga and *Emanuel Zishiri, both doing grade 6 at Zedza Primary in Matsago village have not attended classes due school fees arrears. It was also reported that *Irene Zhou and *Timothy Chirandu who are both doing their form four at Holy Ghost College in Nyachityu village are also not attending classes because they have not paid fees. School heads, Mrs Karinda and Mr Mafi, of Zedza primary and Holy Ghost College, respectively, authorised that pupils should not attend lessons and have claimed that this is a directive from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education. At a meeting held in Chiwundura at Muchakata Shopping Centre on 24 May it is alleged that Lovemore Mbulawa, an aspiring candidate in the upcoming by-election, was intimidating villagers into voting for Zanu PF. He is alleged to have said if the Chiwundura villagers do not vote for a Zanu PF candidate untold suffering and assaults would befall them in the aftermath of the by-election through to the 2018 polls. 13

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