THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT Throughout the year, ZPP has recorded cases of partisan aid distribution, human rights violations perpetrated by state security agents, the assault on the judiciary, among other things. These have not been resolved, and worse still, government has not shown interest or willpower to address them. Instead, government and the ruling party have, as stated in this report, openly declared their contempt for pro-democracy and human rights actors. The declarations, which include Chinamasa and President Mnangagwa’s threats on civil society and pro-democracy actors, have been substantiated by the sustained incidents of human rights violations targeting human rights defenders, journalists, opposition political activists and any others who do not agree with government positions on any matter Based on the above, and considering that the pattern of human rights violations continues unabated, ZPP concludes that Zimbabwe is in urgent need of collaborative efforts by all pro-democracy and human rights actors to lobby and advocate, locally, regionally and internationally, for the return to constitutionalism. The situation obtaining cannot continue in the current mode, hence there is need for government to reflect and rule, not for those in positions, but in the interests of the broader majority as espoused in Nkomo’s book. . This cannot go on! 20

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