THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT The incidents were not limited to Pfumvudza inputs as in Hurungwe, at Mashuma Chirasasa village, a Zanu PF Ward Secretary, Livingstone Nzombe diverted the social welfare maize grain and sorghum meant for the elderly and persons with disabilities and distributed it to undeserving people. We also urge government to publish statistics of beneficiaries and resources allocated to each ward for public audit purposes. Villagers who were brave enough to confront Nzombe received threats and a vegetable garden belonging to one of the disgruntled villagers was torched in unclear circumstances. To show how widespread and systematic this discrimination is, it follows the same pattern across the country and the perpetrators are found at all levels of leadership in the ruling party and government. For example, on 1 November, in Gutu North, at Zvavahera Business Centre, legislator Yeukai Simbanegavi allegedly asked those gathered to receive the Pfumvudza farming packs to produce their Zanu PF regalia as a condition to get the aid. The Constitution of Zimbabwe guarantees civil and political liberties to all, and as such, anyone is free to affiliate themselves to any political party. Government, on the other hand, is charged with the responsibility to provide for all, regardless of which political party or religious group they belong to. We therefore urge government to address the discrimination happening during the distribution of Pfumvudza inputs immediately as it has a bearing on food security. In the interests of transparency and accountability, we also urge government to publish statistics of beneficiaries and resources allocated to each ward for public audit purposes. 10

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