THE DASHBOARD – INCIDENTS’ STATISTICS AT A GLANCE Analysis of Violence Victims by Party As the figure above shows, the political affiliation for a majority of political violence victims for January at 50.6% was unknown. *MDC-T had 32.4 percent of the victims from the reported incidences, while victims from Zanu-PF made up 11.8 percent of total incidences. These figures show similar proportions to December’s statistics. The high percentage of “unknown” victims of violence can be interpreted to indicate the reluctance or fear by some Zanu PF members to openly declare that they were victims of violence perpetrated by their own party. Analysis of Violence Perpetrators by Political Party As the figure above shows, most of the perpetrators of political violence for January were from Zanu-PF at 82.3 % of the incidences. MDC-T had 5.7 % of the perpetrators, while ZRP also had incidences they perpetrated at 3.6%. These figures show a slight decrease for Zanu-PF from December which stood at 85% and a very slight increase for MDC-T which had 5% in December. 9

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