slips. Those without voter registration slips were told that they were not going to benefit. At least one MDC-T supporter was reportedly denied food in that process.  On 27 January 2016, in Ward 1 of Zvimba West constituency where a fundraising exercise was carried out for the less advantaged people in the ward. People were asked to bring US$1, 25 per household through their village heads as transport and empty bag cost. Instead they were put into pairs to get a 50kg bag of maize which they had to share into 25kgs per household. Those who did not manage to pay the $1.25 failed to benefit. Matabeleland South  On 26 January 2016, Zanu-PF ward officials in Umzingwane distributed twentylitre buckets to party members only at Mawabeni Centre saying these were for party members only. About a hundred buckets were given but most people believed these were from social welfare and was supposed to benefit all. Source of the items was not confirmed. Summary of Food Violations by Province Mashonaland Central had the largest number of food distribution violations at 6, with Mashonaland East, Mashonaland West and Matabeleland North with two cases each. Mashonaland provinces continue to lead in food violations. 25

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