Highlights:  On 3 January 2016, Simba Tapera, Zanu-PF chairperson, allegedly denied Alec Simo (not real name), of MDC-T, access to fertiliser at Kusuwe Business Centre Gokwe Sesame, after he failed to say out the name of the district party political commissar. On the day in question, the government had availed inputs through the Presidential Input Scheme. When it was the turn for the victim to receive his lot, Tapera asked him to chant Zanu-PF party slogans and say who the party’s political commissar is at district level. The victim failed to do as asked and thus failed to get the 50kg bag of fertilizer.  On 5 January 2016, at Nemamwe Business Centre Gokwe Sesame Ward 11, Clemence Majaje, Zanu-PF chairperson, allegedly dethroned the sitting village head, Regius Nyongo, on the grounds that he is sympathetic to the MDC-T. On the day, Majaje called for a meeting at Nemamwe Centre and in the presence of everyone said that the victim is no longer village head. He asked the villagers to come up with another village head who is within the Zanu-PF party ranks. However, it is important to note that the removal of village heads is the prerogative of the state through the Local Government Ministry and cannot be unilaterally done by any individual or party.  On 31 January 2016, at Maodza Village Chiundura, Stephen Chauke of Zanu-PF allegedly verbally harassed and threatened with physical harm Job Nhoro (not real name) of MDC-T for his support of and affiliation to the opposition. The two met in the village where the Chauke reportedly accused the victim of being a traitor and sell-out.  On 27 January 2016, in Masowe Village Gokwe Nembudziya, Onismo Mupini of Zanu-PF allegedly asked Neliwe Zinde (not real name) a member of MDC-T to surrender her late husband’s party regalia. Zinde’s husband was a staunch MDC-T supporter who passed away in December 2015. It is alleged that Mupini went to the victim’s homestead and demanded that she surrender her husband’s party regalia and affiliation cards which were still in the woman’s custody. The woman complied due to fear. 22

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