 On 21 January 2016, in Mhondoro-Ngezi, Muchemwa Village, Ward 5, Alice Nhondo (not real name) a war collaborator expressed interest to be chairperson for People First. Synodia Chigarakara, a fellow war collaborator and Zanu-PF member, asked Nhondo why she wanted to join People First when they belonged to Zanu-PF. Chigarakara then threatened to remove Nhondo’s name from the war collaborators’ list.  On 22 January 2016, there was a star rally at Mubaira Growth Point for the ZanuPF candidate, George Gangarahwe. People were ferried from all the wards and were threatened with denial of food aid if they did not register to vote.  On 23 January 2016, Zanu-PF youths and other supporters in Chegutu Ward 6 went to independent candidates’ houses after the by-election results announcement and started singing revolutionary songs and insulting the losing candidates using vulgar words. Masvingo Farm disturbances have been taking place in Masvingo without any restrain from the government. The disturbances have seen three white farmers losing their land without any due process being followed. New “owners” reportedly descended on the farms claiming they were now the rightful owners at Crest Farm owned by Yvonne Goddard, Stopover and Clipsham Number 2 Farms owned by the Deidricks family. Crest is located 10km from Masvingo town along the Zvishavane Road; while Clipsham Number 2 is 4km from Masvingo town along the Beitbridge Highway. Stopover Farm is 8km from town along the Great Zimbabwe Road. The dry conditions prevailing in the country has hit Masvingo the hardest. While the province is drought prone, the 2015/16 agricultural season has been the worst with the people surviving on wild fruits. Cattle are dying in large numbers due to the unavailability of pasture. Hopefully, the government and developmental agencies will chip in to avert mass starvation. Highlights:  On 17 January16, at Nyamakwe Business Centre Chivi Central, a meeting was addressed by Chivi district administrator, Bernard Hamadziripi, and Ward 16 councillor Munashe Pwanyai. The address was targeted at 38 village heads including Gwenyaya and Makoni village heads who were instructed to remember not to leave out Zanu-PF supporters in their selection of vulnerable people earmarked for food assistance. The DA and councillor made the call despite the fact that they are state employees who should not be partisan in their dealings with the public.  On 20 January 2016, there was an attempt to displace Crest Farm in Masvingo West Yvonne Goddard, the farm owner. The perpetrator has allegedly since dispatched tractors to the farm for land preparation. The gates leading to the farm 19

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