are locked with two Zanu-PF youths manning the gates in case of ‘strangers’ attempting to access the farm. In a related matter, on 14 January 2016 there were attempts to take over Stopover and Clipsham Number 2 Farms owned by the Deidricks family. While Commercial Farmers’ Union director, Henry Olivier, confirmed to ZPP that there had been disturbances at Crest Farm and that Goddard was, however, still at the farm; he could neither confirm nor deny the same for Stopover and Clipsham Number 2 farms as he said the CFU had been having challenges communicating with the owners. Unconfirmed reports allege that these farms are being taken because the owners are allies with ousted ‘gamatox’ former Energy Minister, Dzikamai Mavhaire. Matabeleland North Incidents of discrimination in food distribution and harassment and intimidation of political opponents made up most of the violations. Food was being used as a political tool to control communities. The right to health was heavily compromised as a result of gross shortage of medicines in health institutions. This was tragically exposed in Sipepa area of Tsholotsho where a school boy was bitten by a cobra at night and was rushed to Sipepa Hospital. There the boy was only given paracetamol because there was no anti venom serum. He died the following morning. It appears the ruling ‘elite’ found new ways of denying their rivals and perceived opposition members the right to food. This they did by ensuring that during registration process they write their party colleagues top of the lists so that in case of food running out their people would have benefited and rivals lose out. Some relief food was reportedly also seen being sold in shops especially in Nkayi. Highlights:  On 16 January 2016, three Zanu-PF ward co-ordinators led by one, Starzia Muleya allegedly threatened to beat up Cynthia Zunga (not real name) accusing her of having defected to MDC-T. They had found her at Siyansundu Business Centre getting food packs from MDC-T members who were giving their members under their party’s Red Bag programme. They said she should refuse food from MDC-T but she told them she had now joined that party. They then insulted her and promised they would deal with her in unspecified ways.  In the first week of January, an MDC-T councillor of Ward 16 in Bubi was allegedly ordered by Odiwel Ngwenya, a Zanu-PF VIDCO secretary to stop working as a councillor. This was allegedly on instruction from Zanu-PF women’s league chairperson Nothani Ngwenya. She was barred from participating in all food distribution programmes which were then taken over by Zanu-PF activists. She took the matter up with the district administrator’s office but nothing was done to solve the issue. The councillor had compiled a dossier on corruption in 20

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