Key Findings and Mitigation Measures UNLAWFUL ARREST AND TARGETING OF HUMAN RIGHTS LAWYERS Human rights lawyers constantly fight for the respect of the rule of law and human rights, and as a result, find themselves targeted while executing their professional duties to protect victims of political violence and assist them in accessing redress. The arrest of human rights lawyers Douglas Coltart and Tapiwa Munchineripi, who were representing victims of abduction and torture, CCC elected Councillor Womberayi Nhende, and Sanele Mukhuhlani, displays how the state continuously tries to silence dissent. On 5 July, human rights lawyers Obey Shava and Chamunorwa Chingwe were brutally assaulted by at least four men driving a green Mercedes Benz sedan and a Toyota GD6 in Harare. ZPP condemns the attack on human rights lawyers and calls for the respect of their rights, their well-being, labour rights to execute their professional duties. Recommendations 1. Reports on instances where the police showed political bias should be compiled by civil society organizations and submitted to the Zimbabwe Human Rights Commission and the Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Defence, Home Affairs, and Security Services for redress. PARTISAN DISTRIBUTION OF AGRICULTURAL INPUTS Those who support the opposition often face discrimination when it comes to receiving Pfumvudza and other agricultural and food aid. ZPP has established that after the elections, some Zanu PF supporters have been utilizing discrimination and denying CCC supporters access to developmental schemes as a means of retaliating against them for their alleged ties to the opposition party. ZPP has received reports in Manicaland, Midlands, and Masvingo where supporters of CCC were told that they would never benefit from Pfumvudza and that their names would not be registered on the beneficiary list. A case was documented in Mutare North on 30 September 2023. It is alleged that agricultural extension (Agritex) officers were instructed by the newly elected MP Admire Mahachi not to give CCC supporters Presidential inputs. Reports also indicate that traditional leaders were instructed to furnish Agritex officials with names of CCC supporters to have them removed from the lists of beneficiaries. Recommendations 1. CSOs should engage the Ministry of Public Service, Labour, and Social Welfare to address incidences of partisan allocation of Pfumvudza inputs. 2. Political players must not be tasked to distribute government aid rather independent players and nonpolitical players must be given such a role to ensure that citizens enjoy their right to food freely as enshrined in the Constitution of Zimbabwe. 4

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