Round Up POST-ELECTION PERIOD: INTIMIDATION AND HARASSMENT OF ACTIVISTS CONTINUE Numerous incidents of activists being coerced into aligning with the ruling party and some facing intimidation marked the pre-election environment. Even after the elections and the new government sworn in, CCC activists continued to face harassment, particularly in rural areas. ZPP documented numerous instances in which CCC activists fled from their homes, with some living in fear after receiving death threats. In some communities, political intolerance continues to pose a threat to peace for it is still common to use violence and intimidation as a means of communication. On 24 September in ward 4 of Chiwundura constituency, it was reported that a CCC woman activist was attacked by suspected Zanu PF members at Gambiza Business Centre while buying her groceries. It was reported that she was confronted and accused of being part of the people who were working with external forces to overthrow the Zanu PF government. She was slapped four times and had her groceries confiscated. It is regrettable to note that violence against women persists in communities, discouraging women's participation in electoral and civic processes. Many women choose not to join politics or participate as candidates for fear of being harassed, sexually assaulted, or beaten by political opponents. This severely affects women's emancipation and their confidence to exercise their constitutional rights. As well, Zimbabwean citizens continue to be at risk as long as political leaders do not reign in their supporters or adopt new, nonviolent ways of campaigning. If the culture of political intolerance is not addressed, the goal of achieving the United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda Sustainable Development Goals particularly Goal Number 16, which advocates for peace, justice, and strong institutions, will remain a pipe dream. [1] 1. Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development ARSON ATTACKS ON OPPOSITION SUPPORTERS Arson attacks on opposition supporters have persisted in the post-election period. ZPP documented over six cases of arson attacks on opposition CCC supporters. The incidents left the victims with no food and shelter thus affecting their livelihoods. A case of arson was reported in Ward 7 Headlands on 20 September in the morning. It is alleged that a CCC polling agent had his home torched by suspected Zanu PF youths led by Brian Madyambudzi. Everything inside the house was burnt to ashes while50 broiler chickens got affected and eventually died. It is said that before the incident, Madyambudzi was moving around the ward threatening people who were CCC polling agents in Ward 7 Headlands. The victim lost property worth approximately 3000 USD. This goes against section 71(3) of the Constitution which stipulates that no person may be compulsorily deprived of their property except where conditions are satisfied. When the perpetrators are out in the open, the victims are left without any means of support, no place to live, and at risk of further attacks. ABDUCTION AND ASSAULT OF COUNCILLOR NOEL RUNGANO It is disheartening that ZPP still records cases of abductions, even though the world commemorated the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearances on August 30, a month ago. A case of abduction was reported in Epworth South Ward 4 on 20 September 2023. It is alleged that Ward 4 CCC Councillor Noel Rungano was abducted from his home by suspected state security agents who assaulted and left him in a disoriented state. CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi confirmed the incident saying that Rungano's wife reported that her husband was abducted at midnight. Mkwananzi further confirmed the abduction adding that their security team later found Rungano dumped and badly beaten up before taking him to hospital. Abductions are used as instruments to terrorize opposition activities and prevent them from engaging in political processes. The effects of torture and abduction affect the person as well as the family because the breadwinner is typically targeted. 2

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