3 Million Voices #RRRV2023 Masvingo The province had less political activity in this month and this is seen in the few human rights incidences recorded. In Zaka, there was, however, partisan distribution of aid. There were also cases of direct threats of assault to those who refused to declare themselves Zanu PF during the department of Social Welfare food aid distributions. This clearly pointed to the fact there would be wide use of aid as a weapon to manipulate and violate people’s rights ahead of the 2023 elections. It is worrying that all these cases involved party legislators and chairpersons who are supposed to be custodians of peace. In Zaka Central, Ward 19, during a community distribution of food aid from the Social Welfare department, it is said that 45 beneficiaries who were summoned for the distribution were threatened with assault if they failed to declare themselves Zanu PF members. Zanu PF vice chairperson a Mr. Rupondo, who is also an employee at Chemusisi hospital reportedly made beneficiaries chant ruling party slogans. He then reportedly told beneficiaries that government aid was from President Emmerson Mnangagwa and for Zanu PF members only. This incident was reported on 15 April 2021. Midlands Province In Midlands, people were being forced to have Zanu PF membership cards in order for them to receive food and other aid in most areas. In Silobela and Zhombe rural areas and in towns like Kwekwe and Redcliff, there was a deliberate effort to force people to join Zanu PF in order for them benefit from food aid processes. Zanu PF torture/ terror bases were revived in Chiwundura and every morning, the youths who form part of the camps gather at the shops until sunset and they patrol throughout the day, dressed in Zanu PF regalia. The party’s provincial leadership addresses the youths at the end of the day. The situation is leaving youths living in fear There is also a battle of the opposition control for the province between the two warring MDCs in the province. As the Douglas Mwonzora led MDC-T continues to recall MDC Alliance aligned MPs and councilors, this is fueling further conflict. #RRRV Synopsis The stage seems set for interparty violence between the MDC Alliance and the Mwonzora led MDC-T following the parliamentary and local authority recalls. The violence could overshadow and take up most of the campaign time for these two political parties a situation that could see Zanu PF that has been accused of fermenting the fractures taking advantage to consolidate its position in particular at the lowest levels. There seems to be concerted efforts by the ruling party through the police in particular to thwart any opportunities for the MDC Alliance to access its supporters a situation that is feared could result in a skewed political landscape. The disruption of meetings has been noted to have been common in the month of April. The use of food and other aid as a weapon or a carrot dangled for the poor and those who are food insecure means that there is an impending danger of many of the affected voting with their stomachs and contributing to the 5 million target. The use of food and aid in elections has always been seen as bordering on vote buying and it seems this infamous practice always comes in handy for the ruling party. A disquieting trend is the training of government officials by the Herbert Chitepo Ideological School making the line between party and government even fainter and making it difficult for all citizens to access services from government in a transparent manner. 19

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