DECEMBER, 2023 Abductions of members of the opposition The year 2023 concluded on a sad note. ZPP recorded activists from the opposition CCC party, human rights defenders, incidents of continued abductions targeting opposition and journalists. The neglect of duty by law enforcement agents political activists and government critics. A student at to investigate the abductions and prosecute the perpetrators has Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT), was reportedly resulted in a widely held suspicion that state security agents are kidnapped and tortured on 5 December following a violent responsible for these heinous crimes. Between January and police raid. The abduction of Valentine Ziko happened barely December 2023, ZPP has recorded a total of 15 cases of a month after the fatal abduction and killing of opposition abductions which have not been concluded by the police despite CCC activist Reverend Tapfumaneyi Masaya in Harare. some citizens filing complaints with the police. Some of the Former CCC spokesperson Advocate Fadzayi Mahere, notable cases have been the abduction and torture of human highlighted that Ziko was taken by a group of unknown men rights lawyer Obey Shava, CCC Youth Taskforce and Member of who attacked, covered his eyes and shoved him into a Parliament Takudzwa Ngadziore, Womberai Nhende, James vehicle. In a statement, Mahere, a senior official in the Chidhakwa, Noel Rungano and Fanuel Madimba. These opposition CCC mentioned that Ziko was questioned about incidents have not only intimidated and traumatised victims, but his association with the party. Most incidents of abductions also limited citizens in exercising their political rights freely, have targeted government critics, state opponents including enjoying their freedoms of association and conscience, and gravely some victims losing their precious lives. 2024 Budget and the worsening economic conditions On 30 November 2023, the Minister of Finance, Economic Development and Investment Promotion, Professor Mthuli Ncube announced the country’s budget for 2024. The budget theme was, “Consolidating Economic Transformation”. The Z$58.2 trillion budget was marked by high taxation schemes spread across sectors such as on civil servants, toll fees, fuel levies and new mansion taxes. Other increases included a hike in passport fees, electricity and new vehicle registration fees. It is important to note that despite a budget review by Ncube following a public outcry from stakeholders, the budget still records a 100% increase in the existing tax burden, affecting ordinary residents, civil servants, motorists, miners, and traders. The budget pegged the PAYE tax-free threshold to Z$750 000.00 from 1 January 2024. In the context where most of the services and products are offered in US dollars, most civil servants still receive their salary in ZWL and the bank rate still lags behind parallel market rates which are used in most retail shops. Taking into account rates Taking into account the rising cost of living, civil servants will be earning less than US$310.00 leaving a few with meaningful disposable income. High tax loads placed on businesses and individuals will inevitably lead to price increases, and as cost of living increases, more people will not be able to afford social services like health care and other necessities. Zimbabwe "is currently experiencing an annual loss of 1.2 billion in revenue due to gold leakages, equating to 100 million per month," ©InfoMinZW according to a report by the economic analysis unit Equity Axis. To curb the economic challenges faced by citizens, the government of Zimbabwe should look into more revenue-generating opportunities that also ensure low taxes on groups like civil servants, traders, and those in the informal economy, thereby raising their standard of living. 3

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