THE ROUND UP Zimbabwe Peace Project recorded 145 cases of ZANU PF topped the perpetrators list contributing human rights violations across Zimbabwe’s 10 61.4% of the perpetrators in December. Law provinces in December 2023, similar to the abuses enforcers also remained on the list with the recorded in November. 45.9% of the victims were Zimbabwe Republic Police scoring 11.2% and the female and 53.4% were male. Women with disabilities municipal police standing at 7.6% of the constituted 0.3% and men 0.3% of the victims in perpetrators. 3.6% of the violations were committed December. General citizens were the majority whose by traditional leaders. Opposition political parties rights were violated standing at 76.6% while activists such as the CCC and Mthwakazi committed 6.8% of the opposition party, Citizens Coalition for Change and 0.4% of the violations. One intra-party violence (CCC) were 21.3% of the victims. Other victims case was recorded in the Citizens Coalition for recorded were members of ZANU PF and Mthwakazi Change. 0.5% and 0.3% respectively. In December 2023, the Zimbabwe Peace Project ZPP recorded 101 cases of harassment, 4 cases of celebrated the International Day of Human Rights assault and 24 cases violating the right to equality and with communities in Mutasa District to promote non-discrimination. Among the malpractices and peaceful community cohesion. The commemorations violations were partisan distribution of food and were held under the theme “Consolidating and agricultural inputs as well as violations of political Sustaining Human Rights Culture into the Future”. rights. Midlands (28), Manicaland (23) and Masvingo Participants included community ambassadors, (21) provinces recorded the highest violations, whilst community leaders such as councilors, village heads, Matabeleland North (9) and South (8) had the lowest. opinion leaders, pastors and PISI officers from the In food aid and other distributions, Midlands scored Zimbabwe Republic Police and community members. higher than other provinces standing at 35.3% of the violations followed by Masvingo at 23.5%. Manicaland and Mashonaland provinces recorded 17.7% and 11.8% respectively while Mashonaland East and Mashonaland West both recorded 5.88%. 2

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