Provincial Outlook DECEMBER, 2023 Midlands In Midlands province, ZPP recorded socio-economic rights violations. There was an increase in partisan allocation of Pfumvudza inputs by ZANU PF activists. In Shurugwi South, Ward 5 it was reported that a ZANU PF activist identified as Mujubeki Murambiwa deprived four beneficiaries on the basis that they are not appearing on the ZANU PF cell group records. Murambiwa is said to have told the community that one should be ZANU PF first to be eligible to receive food aid and other farming inputs. At Charandura village ward 23 of Chirumhanzu, it was reported that David Mataruse of ZANU PF disrupted a distribution of Pfumvudza. Mataruse accused his fellow members of distributing the inputs to opposition members. It is said Mataruse later took over the program and deprived five households on the basis that they are opposition activists. Matebeleland South Cases of threats, harassment and intimidation were recorded across the political divide. At ward 23 of Matobo South, it was reported that Ndodana Moyo of PF ZAPU threatened to assault CCC members who were reportedly using Joshua Nkomo’s name in their campaign processes. Moyo made these remarks during a burial ceremony for one of the war veterans. It is said that Moyo further labelled CCC members as ‘dogs and sellouts’. ZPP also recorded electoral malpractice and political intolerance in the run up to the by-election. Prior to the by-election of Beitbridge West, it was reported that Reason Muleya was seen defacing campaign posters of Morgen Moyo of Citizens Coalition for Change and PF ZAPU candidate Toriso Phiri. It is said that Muleya defaced and in some instances completely removed them. Defacing or removing posters of other candidates in the electoral cycle is a malpractice and violation of an electoral act. Matebeleland North In preparation of the December 9 by-elections, the province witnessed the attempt to shrink CCC’s campaigning space by ZANU PF. The ruling party harassed, intimidated, and threatened citizens. At ward 5 of Tsholotsho North, it was reported that ZANU PF member Clement Mnkandla told villagers that anyone seen wearing regalia for the Citizens Coalition for Change shall be assaulted. It is said that Mnkandla made warnings that even if the constituency had an opposition Member of Parliament, they were prepared to overthrow him by any means necessary. A similar case was witnessed in Ward 2 of Umguza constituency, it was reported that Sally Moyo a ZANU PF activist was going around homesteads threatening to evict suspected CCC supporters. Moyo was making remarks that villagers of Heany Junction were given land by the ruling party and hence those that fail to support the party shall be evicted.

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