3 ZPP documented numerous cases in August where the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) deliberately infringed on the liberties of citizens. The trend in the last few years and most of this year, August included, is that the ZRP continues to be accused of being responsible for the loss of life of citizens in their custody in most cases under unclear circumstances. The police seem not to be sensitive to issues relating to disability. ZPP recorded a case on the 20th of August whereby a man with a mental disability was taken to Harare Central Police Station where he unexpectedly died after being assaulted by the Military Presidential Guards Unit. This is against Section 219 of the Constitution, which expressly provides their mandate as that of impartiality, patriotism, and of a national character. The Constitution provides for law enforcement agents to act professionally and desist from using force that is disproportionate. In addition, on 21 August the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) hiked by 1,900% election fees to be paid by presidential and parliamentary candidates seeking to contest in the 2023 harmonised elections. Fees for presidential election candidates were hiked to US$20,000.00 up from the US$1,000.00 that was paid in the 2018 elections. The initiative by ZEC is a clear violation of civil and political rights in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report

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