03 Traditional Leaders Reports point to meetings held with traditional leaders where they were challenged to be actors in the mobilisation of support for Zanu PF against provisions of the Constitution. This is in direct contravention of Section 281 of the Constitution, which states that traditional leaders must not be members of any political party or in any way participate in partisan politics and must not act in a partisan manner or further the interests of any political party or cause. In line with this, ZPP recommends government to adopt the following interventions to ensure that traditional leaders do not abuse their powers: i)Constitutional education and awareness for traditional leaders. Traditional leaders should be capacitated on their constitutional mandate so that they do not violate the rights of the citizens they lead, especially the right to political affiliation as enshrined in Section 68 of the Constitution. ii)Constitutional awareness of citizens so that they are not easily subdued by traditional leaders and that they are able to hold their leaders to account. 04 Mobile national registration blitz ZPP continued to record cases of traditional leaders requesting bribes to sign documents such as proof of residence so that citizens could attain national registration documents such as birth and death certificates. In Chiredzi, ZPP also recorded cases of government officials in the Registrar’s department demanding bribes and sex in order to issue documents to community members. ZPP recommends government to adopt the following interventions to ensure that the national document registration blitz takes place transparently: i)There is a need to conscientize government officials in the Registrar’s department on the importance of ethics in carrying out their duties. ii) The establishment of effective checks and balances to ensure transparency within the registration blitz process. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 8

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