scene after threatening the victim with even more severe hearing which was led by one Zanu PF official Bishop Mpofu. assaults if she went on to report the matter to the police. Itis reported that Nharara was allegedly served with a suspension letter from his position in Zanu PF until further On 9 October, in Chiwundura, ward 11 at Muchakata Business notice for allegedly offering the MDC-T members the venue Centre, villagers registered their displeasure over the way for their campaign. agricultural inputs were being distributed. It was reported that, the village heads across the ward were told to submit the list In Mberengwa East, ward 5 Manyevere village, it was of beneficiaries they had come up with to the Zanu PF ward reported the constituency legislator Makhosini Hlongwane chairperson Albert Chidhakwa. It is alleged that at the allegedly held a meeting with five villages that surround gathering, Chidhakwa told the villagers that those who were Manyevere village on 15 October. It is alleged that when the not Zanu PF members were not supposed to come to the legislator was afforded the time to talk to the villagers at the gathering as the farming inputs were going to be given to meeting, he allegedly asked all the war veterans suspected to Zanu PF members only as an order from ‘the top’. Villagers be who were perceived opposition supporter were not given these Mnangangwa’s alleged Lacoste faction to leave the venue as farming inputs. he said they are fanning factionalism in the Zanu PF party. As aligned to Vice President Emmerson Dambudzo a result all the war veterans present complied and left. On 12 October, in Gokwe Chireya, at Chireya Business Hlongwane further said that they should not report to such Centre, a case of political intimidation was reported. It is meetings again as they discriminate party supporters along alleged that Rams Chiwara who is a village head of Mashuma factional lines. Maranga area in Kabuyuni threatened and intimidated those who were registering to vote at a registration centre in In Zhombe, at Sidhakeni COTTCO Depot premises it Chireya. He is reported to have said that during the 2018 was reported that villagers gathered there for purposes elections every village head will be leading his people to go of receiving cotton seeds following an announcement and vote. He is alleged to have further said that the equipment which had been made by kraal heads on 16 October . being used for voter registration is able to record every village It was reported that on the day of the seeds distribution head and his people. People are said to be now living in fear as Prudence Chimuti* was singled out and told that the they are said to be not sure if Chiwara’s utterances are correct. seeds belonged to Zanu PF members only. This pronouncement is alleged to have been made by In Gokwe Sesame, ward 12 Nemangwe at Kasuwe Business Patrick Tshuma, who is the Zanu PF cell chairperson Centre, it was reported that the opposition MDC-T party held for ward 3 and also mainly in charge of distributing their red day campaign on 12 October. It is alleged that one farming inputs in the ward. Chimuti returned empty businessman and also Zanu PF ward 12 Chairperson handed as a result of her political affiliation. Takavarasha Nharara accommodated the MDC-T members at one of the open spaces he owns for business purposes. Three days after the function, Nharara was ordered to report to a 30

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