PF women’s ward committee who convinced him not to hike refused to give Ellen Tugwete*Elizabeth Tumbare a proof of prices of basic commodities. residence letter for the Biometric Voter Registration. It is alleged that Gahadziso actually was refusing to provide these Meanwhile Zanu PF supporters who received T/shirts when letters to perceived opposition supporters. Thus it was then they attended a (ZIPP) Zimbabwe Partnership for Prosperity reported that the letters were now given after one paid $0.30 rally were threatened during a meeting. It is alleged that Chipo for the copy. It is alleged that these charges were said to have Chaperuka a Zanu PF supporter who attended a ZIPP rally only applied to perceived opposition supporters. was harassed and threatened by Trust Kadzombe during a meeting in ward 5. Chaperuka was ordered to burn or bring In Bikita West, ward 9 at the ward centre it was reported that the T/shirt she had been given. She was shoved by Kadzombe the ward councillor Susan Mukaro called for a meeting in and the matter was not reported to the police. connection with the distribution of government farming inputs on 17 October. It is alleged that at the meeting Mukaro Category of incident Oct 2017 announced that opposition supporters were not supposed to Sept 2017 Assault 3 0 Theft/looting 0 2 Discrimination 6 2 Displacement 0 0 Intimidation/harassment 15 11 Unlawful Detention 0 1 receive these farming inputs. These were in form of maize seeds. It is alleged that Mukaro went on and said that the youths who have since opted to support opposition parties when their parents are Zanu PF will have to be punished by being assaulted as it is a form of disobedience. These youths were also denied farming inputs. George Mudombo held a meeting with Lancelot Munogwei and other National People’s Party (NPP) members at Boniface Madzingo’s homestead in Gwenyanya village in Chivi Central on 18 October. It is alleged that upon hearing that there was a meeting being held, one Zanu PF ward 16 youth chairperson Namiel Gumbu reportedly mobilised some Zanu PF youths to go and disturb as well as assault the National People’s Party members at that meeting. When they went there it was said that they found the meeting already finished. The youth threatened Madzingo saying if they continue with their opposition meetings they will be heavily assaulted ‘some day’. It was also said Gumbu then allegedly said only the ruling Zanu PF party was allowed to have their meeting whenever On 11 October, in Zaka East, ward 20 Gahadziso village, it they wish to do so and no other opposition party was supposed was reported that the kraal head Chabvapasi Gahadziso to enjoy that privilege. 26

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