Category of incident Oct 2017 ward 17. The meeting was called for by Senator Tapera Sept 2017 Machingaifa with the help of Chief Nyamhunga (Boniface Assault 0 2 Theft/looting 4 1 Villagers were told to bring their voters’ registration slips to Discrimination 3 6 the meeting. Serial numbers from the slips were recorded by Unlawful detention 1 0 Intimidation/harassment 15 14 Kaimbanemoyo) in connection with the BVR exercise. village heads. Eligible voters who had not registered were threatened and told to register and surrender the serial numbers to their village heads. Villagers in Hurungwe West were threatened by Zanu PF District Chairperson Fanny Chidimure during a community development meeting on 23 October. It is alleged that Chidimure used the new Biometric Voter's System to threaten and intimidate villagers. He said that the system will detect those who would have voted for opposition parties in the 2018 general elections. Chidimure said that the photographs and fingerprints taken during registration will detect where one would have voted. Villagers were forced to chant revolutionary songs such as ‘Kwanyamhunga hatidi hondo’ Zanu PF ward Councillor Ethilege Mbangani was threatened (we don’t want war in the Nyamhunga area). Elderly people and intimidated by his subordinates at Mkwasha Business who had attended the meeting felt threatened and villagers Centre in Chegutu East. It is alleged that Mbangani was were told to submit their voters’ slips details to their village intimidated during a community development meeting on 17 heads. October. Villagers disagreed with Councillor Mbangani’s sentiments that, they ought to pay the Chief for settling legal It is alleged that Prosper Moyo* a tuck shop proprietor was issues. Villagers were told to pay a combined token for the harassed and threatened by Zanu PF supporters on 10 October, Chief to recognise them as legally resettled communal in ward 7 Umvhovho Chegutu West. Moyo was approach by a settlement residents. Newly appointed village heads were also group of Zanu PF women led by Chengetai Matope who were forced to contribute a cow as a token of appreciation to the coming from a cell meeting. He was threatened and harassed Chief. These forced payments and contributions did not go for hiking the price of basic commodities in his tuck shop. well with villagers and villagers revolted against councillor Moyo was ordered to slash prices of basics, such as cooking Mbangani. oil which he was trading at $4.95 a 2 litre bottle to $3.00 but he refused. Moyo was then assaulted and accused of trying to It is alleged that on 23 October villagers in Hurungwe West sabotage the economy and was labelled an opposition were forced to attend a Zanu PF meeting at Sengwe Township supporter. Moyo was rescued by a relative who is in the Zanu 25

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