MDC-T activist at Muzarabani growth point accusing him of cell structures on 12 October. Pagaravanhu and his colleagues defecting to MDC-T. addressed villagers saying those defiant of their instructions would be assaulted. They also threatened to whip people with It is alleged that three Zanu PF activists led by Trymore names not appearing in their registers as they labelled them Chinduru forced a vendor Sostina Chibaya* to attend a ruling traitors. Opposition activists were forced to chant ruling party party meeting at Shopo village ward 7 in Mazowe Central. On slogans in full view of villagers during the meeting. Among 5 October Chinduru and his colleagues forced Chibaya to the victims in attendance was Lancelot Mhaka*. abandon her business to attend the engagement. It is reported that when she resisted they threatened her with assault. On 13 October in Mazowe West Highwood township ward 15, Zanu PF Councilor Peter Chinyoka allegedly addressed It is alleged that Zanu PF Councillor Ashton Chiweshe residents telling them to vote for the ruling party in 2018 or convened a meeting at Chiweshe Primary School where he risk losing their residential stands. Chinyoka is alleged to have intimidated opposition supporters in full view of villagers in said those who will vote for opposition parties will have their Muzarabani South ward 10. On 7 September Chiweshe is stands confiscated by the ruling party. He mentioned that the alleged to have said that Joyce Mujuru and Morgan BVR system also enables them to detect culprits who vote for Tsvangirai’s followers were traitors and will be dealt with in opposition movements and promised to facilitate eviction of 2018. He also forced villagers to sing and chant ruling party opposition members after the 2018 elections. slogans which denounced opposition movements. Simon Kurwakumire and Gideon Mafunga were some of the people Paradzai*, Webster Muzamwese* and John Mashizha* were in attendance. Cephas some of the opposition members in attendance. In Guruve North Mukuya village ward 19, Zanu PF Secretary A war veteran identified only as Dread Musora allegedly Henley Shamu allegedly declared that residents not registered threatened Simon Matimba* and his family in Guruve North under Zanu PF cell structures were not going to register for at Sembeneka business centre in ward 7. On 10 October (BVR) Biometric Voter Registration. On 14 October Shamu Musora declared that Matimba and his family will not benefit summoned Mukuya villagers to a ruling party engagement from agricultural inputs from President R.G Mugabe because where he openly told them, to register under Zanu PF cells so they were affiliated to ZimPF (Zimbabwe People First). as to be accredited as a voter in 2018. Among the victims in Chisora also promised to report them to the CIO (Central attendance are Patrick Bakasa* and Bright Chibwe*. Intelligence Organization) because of their political affiliation. It is alleged that in Mazowe West, Zanu PF youth coordinators It is alleged that in Guruve South Gweshe and Nyamufukudza Patuma villages ward 7, village heads Christopher Pagaravanhu, Dandamera Township creating a database of ruling party Prayer Vellemwemu and Norbet Rangwani convened a ruling members only to be used when distributing command party meeting issuing threats to villagers if they failed to agriculture inputs on 16 October. The youths were seen attend party engagements or register to vote under Zanu PF conducting a door to door campaign recording names, ID 21 Bhobho and Georgina Kapare went around

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