deceased was a well known MDC-T supporter. Among those who fled during the violent clashes are Tecla Maringosi and Peter Musona. Zanu PF chairperson Nicholas Mudada allegedly addressed residents in Epworth at Makomo 3 base, Ward 2 allegedly forcing them to go for BVR (Biometric Voter Registration) as cells (a cell is the lowest level in the Zanu PF party structures) as a tactic to identify those who will vote in favor of opposition parties in 2018. On 9 October Mudada said residents must not register to vote as individuals but according to their cell structures so as to be allocated their own polling station. Chipo Machaya* and Petronella Masau* were some of the residents in attendance. On 10 October the Harare City Council demolished more than 700 houses in Harare South Eyestone area, as the affected residents complained that they were not notified. Rudo Machemedze* a resident reported that the council came under escort of about 15 anti-riot police units armed with vicious dogs and began demolishing their structures without addressing anyone. A lot of property was destroyed and about 700 families left homeless. In a telephone interview Harare City Council spokesperson Michael Chideme said that the structures were illegally built hence all procedure had been followed to facilitate the demolitions. He also reiterated that Council had all documents in place before the demolitions took place. Some of the victims who were left homeless are Elliot Chimimba* and Rudo Machemedze* . ZPP picture recording the evictions On 12 October street vendors in Harare Central Business were removed from the streets as anti-riot and municipal police 13

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