PROVINCIAL VIOLATIONS August 2024 July 2024 40 30 20 10 M an ic al an M d as h C en tr al M as h Ea st M as h W es t M as vi ng o M at N or th M at So ut h M id la nd s Ha ra re Bu la w ay o 0 Harare The province recorded a surge in human rights violations, recording 40 violations, the highest in August. The province was the epicentre of government crackdown ahead of the 44th SADC Summit. Human rights activists, Civil Society Organisations, leaders of political parties, and ordinary citizens were the target of the government’s desperation to ‘maintain law and order’ albeit the heavy handedness. Notable cases include the raids into various CSOs in Harare, such as Crisis Coalition, ZINASU, and Heal Zimbabwe Trust by CIO agents. Prior to the August 17, 2024, SADC Summit, state security agents were intimidating people in beer halls and other public places. ZRP police assaulted 13 women and 25 men at a bottle store on August 17, 2024, in St. Mary's ward 4 at the Chigovanyika shop, claiming it was an illegal gathering. In response to rumours that Zimbabwean citizens would stage a protest on August 17th over rights violations, state security forces launched a crackdown in an attempt to maintain peace ahead of the SADC summit. 11

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