Manicaland In Manicaland 27 violations were recorded, a drop from 34 recorded in July. Among the violations were the partisan food distribution. There were incidents of intimidation and harassment of citizens by members of the ruling party and state security personnel. In most districts, there were reports of patrolling soldiers and security personnel carrying firearms. In some areas such as Buhera, the operations led to assaults. Partisan food distribution of food aid has exacerbated food insecurity already caused by the El Nino induced drought. Some of the victims interviewed by ZPP displayed their dismay, fear and desperation citing the need for a revisit of the system and the protection of victims who report discrimination and corrupt tendencies regarding food aid. Manicaland has a high rate of human rights violations, with more than 19 incidents of partisan distribution of food aid having been recorded recently. Midlands There were 15 human rights violations in Midlands Province, up from 13 in July. State security agents harassed CCC party leaders and volunteers. Some of the notable cases include Felix Rambanapasi, a CCC activist, who narrowly escaped from an attempted abduction by four ZANU PF youths. On a different occasion, 6 ZANU PF members confronted a Nelson Chamisa supporter in Chiwundura ward 11, harassed him and urged him to find another clinic, denying him access to medical care at St Patrick clinic. Two other people in Gweru, who are influential supporters of the Blue Movement which supports Nelson Chamisa, reported that they were being monitored by individuals they thought were state agents driving two unregistered vehicles. This suggested a persisting culture of political intolerance in Zimbabwe. Matabeleland North Six violations were documented in Matabeleland North in August, compared to seventeen in July. Partisan distribution of food aid and agricultural inputs and intimidation and harassment were among the key violations documented. Among the notable incidents is the intimidation of civilians by police and military patrols in places like Lupane West and Hwange Central before the SADC Summit. In an incident affecting the citizens’ access to agricultural land, over 60 non-ruling party members were discriminated against as the Agritex staff from the Binga district, allocated community plots of land to grow vegetables, an exercise which benefited only ruling party supporters. The equitable sharing of national resources, including land, and the upholding of fundamental freedoms and rights are some of the constitution's founding values and principles, however the disregard of such rights and principles. 12

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