Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 NOVEMBER 2022 Bulawayo In Magwegwe constituency a police officer identified as Constable Eriazel Gondo was arrested after he went to a Zanu PF meeting and registered his displeasure over the economic collapse in the country. Gondo told the Zanu PF members that they were busy looting and enriching themselves yet the majority of the citizens are wallowing in poverty and untold suffering. He was later arrested and charged with under criminal codification act for disrupting a public gathering. During a citizen’s demonstration at Bulawayo City Council over poor service delivery, Mzingaye Mhlanga blamed underperformance on the lack of political will by Zanu PF. He also blamed the presence of non-Ndebele speakers in the executive of council which angered Given Moyo who accused him of fanning tribalism. This led to Mhlanga assaulting Moyo. In Mzilikazi, Makhokhoba constituency Samuel Dube of Movement for Demoratic Change-Tsvangirai (MDC-T) went around the shops insulting members of the CCC using vulgar words. Manicaland There was an increase in trends of abuse of political connections and close proximity to top Zanu PF officials in government. Zanu PF members in Mutare were in the habit of disregarding municipal by-laws banking on their political connections. On 15 November in Mutare Central, Cecilia Gambe, a former local authority member under Zanu PF, organised a group of Zanu PF party youths under the Youths for Economic Development (Youths4ED) group. They started moving around all markets in Sakubva and Mutare CBD telling vendors to sell their wares even in undesignated places defying the directive by the Mutare municipality. She advised Zanu PF affiliated vendors to assault municipal police officers if they happen to disperse them. On 6 November, at Lallesvlei farm, ward 8 in Chipinge Central a plot holder was harassed by Marozva, Tendai Charakupa and Madhosi who are all Zanu PF members who wanted to forcefully grab the plot from him. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 18

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