Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023 NOVEMBER 2022 4.5 Hate Speech On 9 November, addressing Zanu-PF supporters, the Minister of National Housing and Social Amenities and Zanu PF Chairperson for Mashonaland East Province, Daniel Garwe, boasted that Zanu PF controls the courts, the army and the police. He warned the opposition that Zanu PF would not hesitate to use violence if they were intimidated or confronted. Hate speech incites political party supporters to use violence and worsens political polarisation and intolerance in the country, making the environment ahead of the 2023 elections potentially violent. ZPP recommends the adoption of the following interventions to reduce the prevalence of hate speech, especially as we head towards the 2023 elections: 4.5.1 The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission to enforce the Code of Conduct for Political Parties and Candidates to promote conditions that are conducive to free and fair elections and a climate of tolerance in which election campaigns may take place without fear or coercion, intimidation or reprisals. 4.5.2 Political parties to sanction supporters fanning intolerant and perpetrating political violence. The Zimbabwe Peace Project Monthly Monitoring Report 9

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