Resist, Reject and Report Violence, #RRRV2023
Key Findings and
Mitigation Measures
4.1 Partisan policing
The Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) in Bulawayo cancelled a 'Register to Vote'
concert that would have been held on the 12th of November at Hartsfield Stadium in
the second capital. The election watchdog and non-governmental organisation,
Election Resource Centre (ERC), had organised the event to encourage young
Zimbabweans to register to vote and help remove all possible barriers, particularly
those experienced by young persons. In response to the ERC's application to notify
the police, ZRP described the concert as too political. The Maintenance of Peace
and Order Act [Chapter 11:23] gives the local regulating authority, the Officer
Commanding a Police District, discretionary power over which gatherings or
demonstrations can proceed. As with many other public events deemed antiestablishment, the cancellation of the ERC event adds weight to allegations of
partisan policing by the ZRP. Free ransport to ZEC Initiative (FTZI) founder Justice
Ndlovu said the police refused to consent to the concert because they thought
many of the members involved were aligned to the popposition CCC and henc the
event was deemed to be against Zanu PF.
ZPP recommends the adoption of the following interventions;
4.1.1 The ZRP to act in a non-partisan manner as stipulated in Section 208 of the
Constitution that members of the security services must not act in a partisan
manner; further the interests of any political party or cause, prejudice the lawful
interests of any political party or cause; or violate the fundamental rights or
freedoms of any person.
The ZRP and political parties respect the right to vote as enshrined in
Section 67 part 3 subsection (a) that every Zimbabwean citizen who is of or over
eighteen years of age has the right to vote in all elections and referendums to
which this Constitution or any other law applies, and to do so in secret.
The Zimbabwe Peace Project
Monthly Monitoring Report