#PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK MASH EAST ZANU PF COUNCILLOR DAVID KUFAKWEMBA TOLD A CCC ACTIVIST TO VACATE THE WARD AS SHE WAS ACCUSED OF SPREADING AND DISTRIBUTING CCC MATERIAL. MASH WEST MIDLANDS On 7 June a case on intimidation and harassment was reported at Muzezuru Primary School, Ward 11 in Mudzi North. It is alleged that during a ward development meeting, Zanu PF Chairperson Rocky Maneto (47) changed the agenda of the meeting before forcing villagers to chant Zanu PF slogans and coercing villagers to sing revolutionary/ Chimurenga songs. The change in the program did not go down well with CCC supporters who tried to engage Maneto. But Maneto went on to state that Zanu PF leaders had all the powers to do whatever they wanted. Maneto further threatened three CCC supporters with death, he said “tichakurayai sembwa (we will kill you like you are dogs)” In Mhangura villagers received messages from branch cell leaders to attend meetings or risk being evicted from their farms. The political environment continue to deteriorate as Zanu PF continue to use force on villagers. In Mhondoro Ngezi Zanu PF legislator Hon Tavengwa Mukuhlani, intimidated and harassed villagers who had questioned him on the developments he had made during his tenure in office. Hon Mukuhlani failed to respond and resorted to using abusive language to coil the voices of the people. In the Midlands Region, as it was with other provinces, political activities were marred by threats and intimidation largely targeting the opposition CCC members contributing to the many abuses that made the provincial highlights of the month. In Gweru, Mkoba, it was noted that on 19 June, after a feedback meeting by the area’s legislator Amos Chibaya (CCC), a number of their supporters clad in yellow regalia were confronted by Zanu PF youths at Mkoba 18 shopping centre. It was noted that the Zanu PF youths firstly threatened the CCC members saying they were in the wrong party and they (ZanuPF) did not recognize Chibaya as a legislator of the area. The issue is reported to have escalated leading to about six CCC members being assaulted in the process albeit not having sustained visible injuries but violence in any manner must be condemned. The case was not clear if it was reported to the police as the CCC have said in the past, it was of no use to report cases of political violence against Zanu PF as the police are accused of being complicit and powerless to act against Zanu PF. 8

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