PROVINCIAL OUTLOOK AUGUST SEPTEMBER 40 30 20 10 M an ic al an M d as h C en tr al M as h Ea st M as h W es t M as vi ng o M at N or th M at So ut h M id la nd s Ha ra re Bu la w ay o 0 Midlands The province recorded 14 human rights violations in September. There were a huge number of incidents where opposition members faced harassment and intimidation for being non-ruling party members. In one incident, a victim who is a member of the ‘Blue Movement’ associated with Nelson Chamisa, was assaulted by six people who are believed to be ZANU PF youths at Gambiza business centre. It is suspected that the victim was assaulted for confronting a local chief and demanded to know why opposition members were denied access to food. In another incident, a victim was instructed by ZANU PF’s Clemence Chatumba to defect from the Blue Movement to ZANU PF so that her family could be considered in all government food aid programs but will face consequences if she defies the order. These incidents reflect a broader pattern of repression, where dissenting voices are silenced through violence, intimidation, and manipulation. Other incidents include denial of food aid due to political discrimination and violation of the right to education. 9

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