Mashonaland Central Bulawayo In Mashonaland Central, human rights violations have increased to 25 incidents, up from 19 in August. The region is experiencing severe water shortages due to drought, leading to concerns of conflicts over this essential resource. Alarmingly, students have been chased away from school in several incidents. There have been incidents of forced contributions and discrimination where village heads under Chief Bushu are coercing households to contribute $1 each towards a ceremony for rainmaking. Those who refuse face summons to village and chief courts. Three opposition members have suffered political discrimination, denied access to food assistance due to their activism and influence in the area. Ruling party officials have also been using hate speech to intimidate opposition supporters, stating that "there is no room for traitors in Chawarura" and that President Mnangagwa's government won't waste resources on "traitors." This rhetoric injects fear into the community. The province of Bulawayo saw a decrease in violations, from 13 last month to 5 this month. However, a devastating incident in Pelandaba West highlighted the dire consequences of the ongoing water crisis. A tragic accident occurred when a young girl, an Early Childhood Development (ECD) student, fell into an unprotected well in Pelandaba West. Despite rescue efforts, her body was only retrieved after nearly an hour. This heartbreaking incident underscores the lethal risks posed by the proliferation of unprotected wells, which have become ubiquitous due to the water shortage. The incident serves as a stark reminder of the urgent need for authorities to address the water crisis and ensure the safety of Bulawayo's residents, particularly vulnerable children. 14

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