INCITING RHETORIC some idiots who think they can get away with defamation will pay by the nose. Mhosva hayiwori. #Handeitione! (a crime does not expire; the long arm of the law will catch up with you #Itison!) He added in a further tweet “So you & your Lacoste lot think for me to prove that there are other reasonable people in Zim I must agree with your garbage? #Ulimbuluhey!” (you are crazy) • Pro-Emmerson Mnangagwa activist Energy Mutodi stoked tempers when he accused Ministers Sydney Sekeremayi and David Parirenyatwa of poisoning Vice President Mnangagwa in a statement that is likely to cause more tension in the faction ridden party.24 • August 31, Zanu PF activist Jones Musara called Professor Jonathan Moyo a Satanist on Twitter and accused him of poisoning VP Mnangagwa. Musara tweeted, ED refusal to deny being poisoned means poisoning yakaitika (poisoning happened). Dhiziri and Jonso are at the centre of that poisoning of ED. Pasi nemaG40 poisonists.25 (down with the G40 poisonists) • August 22, Magura Charumbira a Zanu PF youth activist in Bulawayo threatened violence at late Masvingo Minister of State Shuvai Mahofa’s funeral if Vice President Mphoko officiated 26 Intraparty tensions, violence and conflict Zanu PF Factionalism is not new to Zanu PF, but has always been managed for political and economic objectives that benefit the elites, and President Mugabe. Increasingly, there is less cohesion amongst the elites, evidenced by defiance of directives from the leadership. These include war veterans, youths, ministers, and women’s league officials. Seismic shifts were registered with the death of General Mujuru in 2011, dismissal of former Vice President Joice Mujuru in 2014, subsequent dismissal of senior party members like Rugare Gumbo and Didymus Mutasa. Violence and attacks on factional basis have also been recorded, including allegations of poisoning of opponents as far back as 2015, during party conference. Rallies and demonstrations targeting perceived “successionists” or those not loyal to President Mugabe have become the norm. War veterans were used as storm troopers against Joice Mujuru, only for them to be ejected within a few years. Youths are now 24 25 26 Jones Musara Twitter account the new storm troopers. President Mugabe has benefitted from them but also denounced their abuse at Masvingo Youth Rally interface. “We don’t want you to be bought off, we know money is sweet. Those night meetings should end. This habit of using the youths should stop. There is this huge problem that when we get to elections some say we don’t want so and so. Even when you look at Manicaland, the resident minister is not wanted by others so they are split. Even the chairman of the province is not wanted, for what reason? They just don’t want? It’s the same as here”, President Mugabe is quoted.27 Use of state security infrastructure will continue but their reliability is doubted as they have demonstrated loyalty and allegiance to Mnangagwa more than Mugabe’s preferred approach, death in office or a Sekeramayi presidency. Despite the security-civilian tensions in the ruling party, on April 23, Vice President Mphoko reportedly called on the military to intervene in the raging Zanu PF political disputes”28. The relationship of the Zanu PF and the military remains complex. Reported incidents of Zanu PF intra party tensions, acts of intimidation and violence recorded during this period include: • January 22, in Mberengwa South, Shoko Simbarashe Chikati was denied maize handouts, he was accused by Silas Shumba of supporting Member of Parliament Chiratidzo Mabuwa who is accused of aligning herself to a faction led by Vice President Mnangagwa 29 • February 18, Masvingo, youths aligned with the different Zanu PF factions engaged in fist fights at Runyararo West Hall. No arrests were made, the police were informed that it was an internal matter.30 • February 16, Gokwe, in the run-up to President Mugabe’s birthday celebrations, youth officers were allegedly requested to donate $5 each and collect $1 from party youths’ beneficiaries of government assistance. Youths from the Youth Project Centre are said to have fallen victim to this. Some youths reportedly questioned this and were threatened with ejection from the Youth Project Centre.31 • March 25, Chegutu West, violence broke out during a meeting convened by MP, Hon Dexter Nduna of Zanu PF. Nduna accused party youths of abusing party funds32. • April 16, Harare, Zanu PF provincial headquarters, youths ZBC Live broadcast Masvingo Youth rally, Mucheke Stadium 29 pdf 30 pdf 31 pdf 32 27 28 9

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