INCITING RHETORIC provinces continues, suggesting a form of punishment beyond the use of overt violence. Opposition MDC-T has been accused of undermining voices from Matebeleland in their party and decision-making processes, as evidenced by party splits, violence and use of executive powers to make controversial appointments. The intra-Shona tensions are taking a more pronounced state with the battle for the presidency of Zanu PF. The Shona groups are diverse, including the Karanga, Manyika, Zezuru, Korekore and Ndau. The leadership of Zanu PF has been seen as predominantly Zezuru. The Karanga are suggesting that “now it’s their time to rule”. During political rallies, statements celebrating the invincibility of one ethnic group over the other have been recorded. Hate speech for purposes of monitoring and documenting signs of potential violence and conflict is defined as speeches, statements or any other utterances that intimidate threaten violence (directly or indirectly), incite others to commit violence, or threaten members of the opposition, civil society or any other dissenting voices, for whatever reason. These statements breed intolerance and violence, a sustained campaign of negative publicity and denunciation of the opposing views and dissenting voices, through the public and private media. These speeches provide “moral” and legal justification for use of violence and force by ruling party functionaries and law enforcement agents. Ethnicity statements are used as part of justifying the ascendancy of one group over the other based on historical agreements or sense of superiority over another. In the MDC-T, the July 2016 appointment of two vice Presidents Nelson Chamisa and Elias Mudzuri has been widely interpreted as part of ethnic balancing, and an insult to Vice President Khupe, a Ndebele and female. MDC-T President Morgan Tsvangirai dismissed the statements.6 Senior ruling party officials, such as Vice President Mphoko were quoted stating that the “fact that Mugabe is a Zezuru does not mean that when he goes a Karanga must take over in the succession matrix”, these statements were bolstered by party leadership’s failure to stop the singing of songs celebrating Zezuru “invincibility” at a political rally in 6 Tsvangirai is quoted “This hullabaloo about the appointment of two vice-presidents is not an issue as far as I am concerned. I don’t look at tribal lenses when assigning party cadres duties. Vice-president Khupe (Thokozani) was not only voted by people from Matabeleland but all the provinces voted for her. ( Last accessed, 04 September 2017. Chiweshe Mashonaland Central.7 Chiweshe has experienced violence before including in 2008, 9 individuals were killed and tortured8. Speaking at the meet the Youth Rally in Masvingo, President Robert Mugabe openly rebuked those driving the ethnic agenda. He stated that “they are seniors who want to corrupt the youth who say we no longer want to be ruled by Harare... they are tribalists and they claim that their tribe is superior. The liberation struggle was won by non-tribal means. Every tribe contributed to our victory.”9 Communities are being threatened with worse violence if they decide to vote for the opposition; on February 17, Murehwa North, ward 16 Zanu PF Chairperson, one Peter Chitaukire, was reportedly quoted threatening to unleash violence, stating that 2008 was ‘little and the real darkness shall come’ in 2018 if orders are not followed.10 Hate speech targeting ruling party members and opposition supporters has increased with the advent of instigated demonstrations. If not contained, continuous hate speech and inciting language might result in violence especially around the 2018 elections. Examples of some of the reported incidents are below: • April 3, Zanu PF Mashonaland Central province demonstrated against Saviour Kasukuwere, the party’s national political commissar. Zanu PF members among them Advocate Martin Dinha the Provincial Affairs Minister openly derided Kasukuwere saying a big body does not translate into being a good boxer”. • April 18, in Masvingo Chivi Growth Point during Independence Day celebrations, traditional leader, Chief Madyangove threatened opposition supporters saying that in the upcoming 2018 polls they will be in danger.11 • May 14, Minister of Youth Indigenization and Economic empowerment, Patrick Zhuwao, was quoted saying “Zanu PF is full of idiots” in direct attack to individuals associated or sympathetic to Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa who were believed to be sponsoring demonstrations against Kasukuwere.12 The Herald, VP Mphoko scoffs at Karanga presidency,, The Independent https://www.theindependent. (last accessed 24 August 2017) 8 9 (last access 31 August 2017) 10 pdf (last accessed 29 August 2017) 11 pdf 12 (last accessed 5 September 2017) 7 7

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