“Some animals are more equal than others” Executive Summary The month of February recorded violations of civil, political, social and economic rights totalling 195 violations with Mashonaland Central recording the highest number of violations at 53, followed by Harare at 33. Of the violations recorded 54.3% were cases of harassment and intimidation targeting citizens. The police recorded the highest number of perpetrators (54.8%) followed by the Zanu PF at 22.9%, unknown affiliation 9.3%, MDC 6.1% and municipal police 4%. ZPP continues to note a disturbing trend of the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) occupying the highest percentage of perpetrators of human rights violations. There was a significant drop in cases involving the Machete wielding gangs. This can be attributed to the response by the police in dealing with the gangs. They contributed 1.5% of the perpetrators in the month under review down from 22.2% recorded in January. The Ministry of Finance proposed the re-introduction of subsidised garrison shops to cushion members of the Zimbabwe National Army (ZNA) which triggered an outcry among citizens who are enduring economic hardships. This was viewed as preferential treatment of some civil servants. In his monetary policy statement, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) governor Dr John Mangudya assured the nation that the de-dollarisation process was on course and would take five years to be completed. This was however not in tandem with the licensing of seven Zuva fuel service stations to trade in United States Dollars (USD); a move that points to re-dollarization. A spontaneous protest by the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Provincial Youth Assembly members was recorded in Harare Central Business District (CBD) on 19 February. The youths were violently dispersed by anti-riot police who fired teargas. In Chitungwiza clashes between the police and MDC youths were reported in St Marys, Zengeza 2 shopping centre and at Huruyadzo business centre on 29 February resulting in some citizens sustaining serious injuries. In Masvingo there were skirmishes between police and MDC supporters who had gathered at the Masvingo High Court in solidarity with the MDC Deputy National Chairperson Job Sikhala. He was acquitted of charges of subverting a constitutional government. 1

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