On 17 June a large group of Zanu PF activists illegally occupied Phillip farm, in ward 19 of Inyathi. They told the farm manager Rabson Sibanda and other workers to move out as they had taken the farm from the farm owners Brian and his father Phillip. Sibanda reported the matter to the police who told the invaders to move out and not disturb the farmers. Some of the invadersleft but a number of them remained at the farm. Brian, Phillip and Manager Sibanda are now uncertain about the future of the farm. Harare The highlight of the province were the 10 June 2015by-elections which were characterized by harassment and intimidation. Zanu PF managed to win all the seats. The violations were most severe in Glen View where even candidates were harassed. Donald Chimatira an independent candidate had truckloads of people taken to his house to publicly humiliate him after the elections on 11 June 2015. There was chaos when Zanu PF supporters came to his house with a fake coffin filled with his posters they had collected .They were sang revolutionary songs mocking him. This harassment involved many people who had been brought in by 20 cars and 3 commuter omnibuses. The victim and his family remained in the house. Chimatira was suspended as Zanu PF youth chair in January 2015 for being aligned to the Mujuru camp. Michael Chivandire a Transform Zimbabwe candidate was forced to close his tuck shop on 3 June 2015. Violence broke out in Dzivarasekwa at Dzivarasekwa 2 car park near the Muslim Centre at the corner of Jongwe Street on 16 June 2015. Zanu PF youths severely assaulted MDC-T supporters who own the car park. They had been to the car park the day before in the evening harassing the two owners to vacate the place so that Zanu PF youths could take over. The following morning youths numbering about 13 descended on the car park still demanding to take over the car park. They started beating up the owners until they were unconscious. Police were called to intervene and the group fled to Omega Hungwe’s (the newly elected legislator) house which is about 150 metres away to hide. Police raided the house and managed to arrest some of the youths while the others fled. The two MDC-T supporters were taken to hospital for treatment. 9

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