conniving with people stealing deposits from the women’s mine and then processing it, thus depriving the women of their mining rights. The women’s mine then decided to seek intervention in the dispute and in the meantime they do not have income as the mines are closed. Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights 12 3 1 16 Ø From beginning of June to end of the month Zanu PF ward activists Richard Muzaba and one identified as Amos, a Zanu PF chairperson have been mobilizing for the dismantling of the local CAMPFIRE committee (Communal Area Management Programme for Indigenous Resources) led by an MDC-T councilor. The perpetrators claim they cannot be led by an MDC-T committee as they are allegedly corrupt. They want the committee to be led by Zanu PF members. Ø On June 30 at Nkayi centre Zanu PF activist ChikonzeroManenji was employed as contract security guard at Timber construction. Also employed as a contract worker by the same company was a well known ZAPU activist. Manenji then accosted the victim asking why and how he was employed in the first place as he is an opposition member. He claimed only Zanu PF cadres should be employed. The two then exchanged insults and Manenji made a false report that the ZAPU activist had assaulted him. The case was thrown out by the court for lack of evidence as it was clear this was a political conflict whose facts were not clear. Ø On 19 June at New Luveve, Mudambumi Complex from about 1830 hours to 2000 hours a group of over forty police officers descended on the area and beat up people indiscriminately for no known reason. They stormed into shops and bars attacking people randomly especially youths. They were also Bulaway o Mat North Harassment/Intimidation Discrimination Displacement Total Harassment/Intimidation Assault Discrimination Theft/looting Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Property rights 15 2 1 1 20

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