Discrimination Assault Malicious damage to property Disrupted Political Mtg Total Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights 4 4 2 Freedom of assembly and association 1 39 Ø Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, education Property rights 16 3 3 1 23 Mash Central Harassment/intimidation Assault Discrimination Theft/looting Total 15 and one of the members identified as Trevor confronted the victim and accused him of being loyal to a camp led by Mujuru. Trevor accused the victim of backing people who were plotting the down fall of President Mugabe through unconstitutional means. Trevor told the victim that Zanu PF will demonstrate exactly how it deals with people who try to rebel against the party from within. Trevor threatened the victim with severe punishment. On 2 June 2015, an MDC-T supporter at Mabodza Business Centre-Chiundura was verbally harassed by Joseph Mavhima of Zanu PF when they met at the township. The victim had visited the shops to buy some groceries when he met Mavhima, who asked the victim why he continued to support the opposition when all evidence pointed to a Zanu PF victory in 2018. He reminded the victim of the 2008 assaults if he failed to reform. Mavhima further said that a list of all opposition party members at the village and ward level was being compiled so that they are targeted come election time. The majority of cases in the province are of people forced to attend meetings or discriminated against for being allied to the opposition. Ø On 19 June 2015 people were forced to attend a Zanu PF meeting to raise fund for Hero’s Day celebrations in Guruve North at Gakwe. Sabau Chinyoka and Bakili Maita forced people to the meeting and on 26 June 2015 Maxwell Nyagomo forced people to another meeting to raise funds at Nyamuseve farm. Ø A farmer who supports the MDC Renewal party at Adura farm in Mazowe Central, was summoned to a Zanu PF meeting on 11 June 2015 by Musekiwa Baradzi a Zanu PF chair and farmer. Baradza wrote a letter to the farmer and indicated that he has not been attending meetings and failure to attend on 13 June 2015 would lead to his eviction from the farm. th Ø On the 13 of June 2015 in Maramba Pfungwe constituency Zanu PF was conducting its party district elections in order to strengthen its support base. It was at Sowa where there was an in house fight when some of the youths present who were in the previous Provincial executive which was working

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