local Legislator Ziyambi Ziyambi brought 30 bags to be shared among 35 villages. Eighteen bags were given to village heads for their villages while 2 were given to Nyamangara and Garoi Primary schools. The village heads were given 4 bags to share among themselves and they all got about 5 kgs and the last 6 bags were given to Zanu PF district members. A Zanu PF member identified as Shamuyarira was distributing rice for the elderly in Mhondoro Mubaira with each family receiving 5kgs. It was rumoured Shamuyarira may be using the rice to campaign to take over the MP seat from Sylvester Nguni who was suspended for being a Mujuru ally. On 18 June rice was distributed at Mashuma in Hurungwe by Zanu PF officials John Maheya and Joseph Sande to thank those who voted for Keith Guzah .Twenty people per village got 2 kg of rice per household. On 26 June 2015 in Chegutu East the rice meant for the elderly was distributed by Zanu PF dominated ward committees who denied access for the elderly linked to MDC-T. One of the victims was denied access by Christine Antonio of Zanu PF. This took place at the open space in ward 12. The elderly who were denied rice were accused of not attending Zanu PF meetings which are often labelled development meetings but Zanu PF slogans are chanted. On 20 June 2015 Zanu PF supporters boycotted maize distribution in Chimurenga cell ward 22 in Banket as a sign of protest when an MDC-T supporter was denied the aid by Zanu PF chair Joseph Imedi. Manicaland On 21 June 2015, members of the MDC-T were denied access to rice donated by the First Lady at Gwindingwi Business Centre Mutare North. Clackson Chaponda Councilor for ward 9 received 40 bags. The rice was to be distributed to villagers. Before the distribution began, the councillor chased away all known and suspected MDC-T supporters. Masvingo On 24 June 2015, three villagers in Mawadze village Chivi South who are affiliated to MDC-T were denied the right to food when they were told not to join villagers at a food handout scheme. The food had been donated by World Food Program. By being denied food the affected citizens were being accused of belonging to the opposition a violation of their freedom to associate. Villagers were taking turns to cook the food for children of the whole community. When it was the turn of three MDC-T supporters Kudakwashe Meki approached the three and informed them that the community food could not be cooked by people associated with the opposition. An 80 year old grandmother of Ushe village Zaka Central was on 12 June 2015 denied food aid by Councillor Daniel Mativenga. The councillor said that he could not distribute food to a mother whose children are active members of the MDC-T. The food was in the form of rice and had been donated by MP Paradzai Chakona. 12

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