ACTS OF HR VIOLATIONS HR/FREEDOMS VIOLATED Harassment/intimidation Discrimination Assault Theft/looting Malicious damage to property Total Right to personal integrity and human dignity Right to food, aid and livelihood Right to personal integrity and human dignity Property rights Property rights # OF ACTS PROVINC E INCIDENCES OF POLITICALLY MOTIVATED VIOLATIONS 11 5 2 1 1 20 MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF HR VIOLATIONS Ø Ø Ø d l Manicaland a n Ø Harassment/intimidation Right to personal integrity and human dignity 28 14 Ø th On the 5 June Zanu PF had a meeting in Ward 32, Headlands which was addressed by Muchenje MP for Makoni North. Ward chairpersons were given forms to write names of people on Election Day before they enter the polling station. The chairpersons were told to be 300 metres from the polling station. The forms required details such as name, ID, village, and signature. It was said this form would be used in every ward or village whenever there is food or inputs distribution in an area. th On the 5 of June 2015 Zanu PF activists Eliah Chipomho and Tinashe Nyamande both of Mabvazuwa T/Ship fought at Mabvazuwa Shopping Centre. It is alleged that the incident occurred when the two argued over the "gamatox” action. Tinashe argued that Eliah was spreading rumours that Tinashe was given $500 by former Zanu PF Secretary for Administration DidymusMutasa to mobilise youth to join a political movement termed "PEOPLE FIRST" The two were taken to Rusape Police station where they paid fines. On 1 June 2015, Edward Dhahwa a Headman for Nyamande village Makoni Central denied an MDC-T man the right to access employment at Makoni Rural Clinic. The clinic staff wanted to employ a security guard at the clinic. They asked for applications from job seekers. The victim being qualified for the job did apply and was shortlisted. The Headman was part of the interview panel. When it was the turn of the victim to be interviewed, the Headman said the clinic cannot employ an opposition member and so he was turned down. A house belonging to a female MDC-T activist of Muwi village Nyanga North was burnt to ashes on the night of 8 June 2015 by unknown arsonists. Some of her property including food was destroyed. The matter was reported to the police but perpetrators are yet to be arrested. On the 17th of June two ZanuPF members met at Midlands State University

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