Post-election period: The post-election environment was characterised by an increase in cases of abductions and assault, and targeting of opposition polling agents, candidates and supporters by suspected state security agents and Zanu PF activists. Former former Member of Parliament (MP) for MabvukuTafara, James Chidhakwa, was abducted and subjected to torture by suspected state security agents. Chidhakwa was later found dumped in Arcturus, injured with deep cuts and injected with an unknown substance before he was hospitalised. On 26 October, it was reported that Chief Njelele of Gokwe South district, called his headmen to give them an instruction to not accept any member of the CCC party in any development committees. The committees include people at the village, ward development committees, School Development Committees, and the community health committees at their clinics. On 27 October in, ward 32, Chatsworth in Gutu West, it reported that Gutu West Zanu PF activists led by Bhunga, severely assaulted CCC member Ms. Anna China. China, a resident in Ward 32 in Chatsworth, narrated that she was attacked by six men who were led by Zanu PF known activist Bhunga. Additionally, Zanu PF members destroyed Ms. China's clothes, house, and toilet doors. Ms. China reported the assault case at Chatsworth police station. A case on the right to personal security was reported in Headlands at plot number 41 Magura in Batanai. CCC activist Irvine Kahamba who was a polling agent in Headlands received anonymous phone calls from individuals threatening to harm him for participating in opposition politics. Reports indicate that following the anonymous calls, the victim was ambushed by 4 men suspected to be state security agents forcing him to abandon his home for some days. The incident was reported at Headlands Police station (RRB 519649). CCC Factionalism CCC factional raptures manifested post-election period following the recall of CCC legislators and councillors by Sengezo Tshabangu who claims to be the CCC Interim Secretary General. Tshabangu recalled 15 legislators and 17 Councillors saying the members had ceased to belong to the CCC party, however, the legislators disowned him saying that he was a Zanu PF impostor. CCC President Advocate Nelson Chamisa wrote to the speaker of parliament Honourable Jacob Mudenda in response to the development, in a letter purportedly sent to Mudenda on 11 September 2023

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