PF members destroyed Ms. China's clothes, house, and toilet doors. Ms. China reported the assault case at Chatsworth police station. Midlands Province In the Midlands province, there was an increase in the violations of political rights and freedom of association and assembly. At Mkoba Constituency, it was reported that Desmond Shumba and Philani Dube of Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) exchanged blows after a disagreement over the imposition of candidates. It is said that Shumba became too critical of Amos Chibaya the current MP for Mkoba that he has overstayed as a Member of Parliament and further imposed candidates This angered Dube who lost his temper and accused Shumba of working with Sebenzo Tshabangua self-styled CCC Interim Secretary General who has recalled many sitting MP’s. A similar case was recorded at Muchaka Business Centre of Chiwundura constituency, where it was reported that Collen Banda of ZanuPF assaulted Joseph Siziba of Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC). It is said that Banda accused Siziba for ZanuPF being defeated and denounced as government after the SADC summit following the disputed August elections. Siziba reported the matter to the Zimbabwe Republic Police. In Samabwa village ward 6 of Zhombe Constituency, it was reported that John Zviito of Citizen Coalition for Change was harassed and intimidated by six ZanuPF activists led by Sham Zinyoro. Zviito was warned by ZanuPF activists that they needed to burn his homestead to punish him and his family. Equality and non-discrimination violation cases were also noted. At ward 11 of Gokwe Nembudziya, it was reported that a ZanuPF activist identified as Farai Matura warned citizens that they should desist in attending meetings convened by the Citizen Coalition for Change. Matura further said CCC members are dogs that just bark with anything meaningful to offer. Chief Njelele of Gokwe South district, called his headmen to give them an instruction to not accept any member of the CCC party in any development committees. The committees include those at the village, the ward development committee, School Development Committee, and the community health committee at their clinics. This is a violation as these committees have a direct bearing on their lives because if the committees do not deliver on its mandate and no development it affects not only the people sitting on the committees but also those who were left behind.

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