harmonised elections are being intimidated by suspected state security agents in Headlands. Reports indicate Tapiwa Nyamugure and Tafadzwa Zenda who were polling agents at Mooresville primary school (ward 38), Freddie Madzinga, Alec Mavhurume, Taurai Kapompa, George Sadindi, Divine Murinzi who were polling agents Headlands (ward 6) have been visited by suspicious people at night moving in unmarked vehicles. Reports confirm that the untimely visits have forced some of the victims to sleep in the bush in fear of being abducted. It is alleged that among the victims are some who lost employment after elections for supporting Chamisa. Mashonaland West Outlook The province recorded cases of partisan distribution of government aid with perceived opposition supporters being threatened with denial of pfumvunza farming inputs. A case of discrimination was reported in Hurungwe West Mashuma ward 17 under Chief Nyamhunga‘s jurisdiction. It is alleged that Zanu PF Central Committee member Cde Member Mutinha told ward 17 villagers that registration of Presidential inputs will benefit Zanu PF members only. Addressing a ward 17 budget consultation meeting at Sengwe Primary School Cde Mutinha was quoted saying,” masabhuku endai munonyora vana vemusangano pamberi vatanga kuwana, tichange takamura pamota ye fertilizer tichitorera ma triple C” meaning villages heads must compile lists of Zanu PF supporters only and we will be deployed at distributions for CCC members not to benefit. There was partisan distribution of farming inputs in Hurungwe West Magunje on 22 October 2023. It is alleged that Zanu PF activists Nickson Mandere (former Councillor), Concilia Mudimu (women's league) ,Cosco Matamba (FAZ) Madhobha (youth chairperson) went to the GMB and signed for Pfumvunza inputs. Reports opine that the inputs were supposed to be signed for by CCC ward 23 Councillor Jingura Chamunorwa. It is alleged that after receiving the inputs, the ruling party activists distributed the inputs to ruling party members only. The case was reportedly escalated to the DDC for a resolution.In other reports,intimidation was reported in Hurungwe West Chakari at Milverton business centre in ward 13. Josphat Makina was intimidated and harassed by Zanu PF activists John Khumalo and Steven Kurete. The incident happened on 1 October. It is said that the perpetrators accused Makina of wearing Themba Mliswa’s regalia at Milverton business centre. Makina was further forced to appear before the Zanu PF Branch executive chairperson Mr Givemore Watch for disciplinary action. Mr Watch reportedly forced him to burn his T-shirt. Mashonaland East Outlook In Mashonaland East, intimidation was reported in Mudzi North at Muguwamadzi village in ward 10. Zanu PF activists Never Kufakwemba (District Chairperson) and Elias lampion (Chairperson) reportedly forced a widow to chant Zanu PF slogans accusing her of supporting the opposition CCC. Reports indicate that the duo intimidated her in full view of community members saying she must denounce the CCC party first before submitting her name for registration of pfumvunza inputs. The victim was reportedly made to sing revolutionary songs and chant ruling party slogans

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