before registration. In Mudzi North ward 11 on 22 October, Zanu PF ward Councillor Mr Katsande and Mirisi, a member of FAZ, promised to compile names of all opposition CCC members in ward 11. The duo reportedly warned villagers that they will submit the list of local clinics to ensure that no opposition supporters will access health care services. Katsande was quoted saying he wants all CCC members to denounce their party before they face eviction from the area. In Wedza North ward 14 on 20 October, Zanu PF youths Shingai Majaya and Cde Chikifiyo threatened to assault villagers accusing them of voting for the opposition CCC in ward 14. Reports indicate that the youths went village by village questioning people why CCC got more than 60 votes at Felse primary school polling station. The duo reportedly warned villagers that they were still in the process of identifying culprits who voted for CCC citing that they will be punished for being sell-outs. The initiative reportedly left many people living in fear. Harare Outlook Harare recorded cases associated with civil and political rights violations. A case on the right to personal security was reported in St Marys Chitungwiza ward 5 at Chigovanyika shopping centre on 7 October. It is alleged that anti-riot police assaulted city dwellers and other citizens who were drinking alcohol whilst loitering around beer-halls. The incident was reported on 7 October. It is said that many people were assaulted with batons around 1am for loitering at night. Some of the victims identified as Mr Matsvange and Tatenda Kambaza were assaulted by the police. On 20 October Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) activists Cuthbert Chokururama and Trust Chiripa were brutally assaulted during a community stakeholders meeting convened in Chitungwiza North Seke Ward 9 area close to Ziko community. Reports say that suspected Zanu PF youths armed with machetes disrupted the stakeholder meeting on allegations that it was a political meeting. The perpetrators reportedly attacked CCC known activists Chokururama and Chiripa before leaving them with serious injuries. The CCC Welfare department confirmed the incident and said the victims were hospitalized following the attack. ZPP is in possession of the images showing the nature of the injuries sustained by the victims.On 16 October Harare West Legislator Joana Mamombe and Deputy Finance Minister Kuda Mnangagwa were almost involved in a knuckle fight in parliament. The incident happened following tensions over the recall of 15 CCC legislators Sengezo Tshabangu who claims to be the secretary general of the party. On the day that CCC legislators caused chaos in parliament and MP Joana Mamombe had a confrontation with President Mnangagwa’s son, Kuda Mnangagwa In a video which went viral on X, Mnangagwa held Joana Mamombe in the midst of the melee. The enraged female MP turned, threateningly pointed a water bottle at him as she shouted. The deputy minister in turn pointed at her to calm her down. Another female MP was spotted confronting Mamombe before violently shaking her and Mamobe retaliated, almost smashing her with a water bottle before intervention of other legislators. Mashonaland Central Outlook

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