It is alleged that CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi was chased by unknown armed people “all the way to their party office.” Posting on X on 16 October Mkwananzi said he had to seek refuge in the party offices while waiting for lawyers and journalists to arrive. He said that, “Guntoting people chased him all the way to the party office and stationed at the gate for some time. In September, ZRP spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi said Mkwananzi was wanted for defaulting court proceedings over a case of public violence he was facing in 2020. In a statement, Assistant Commissioner Nyathi said the warrant of arrest was issued by Harare Magistrate Court on 22nd April 2020 for defaulting court proceedings. Mkwananzi later said on the social media platform X that he had fled the country because police wanted to detain him “for no crime other than speaking out against a sham election”. Recommendations 1. ZPP urges the Zimbabwean government to act responsibly and ensure the perpetrators for enforced disappearances are arrested. Who should benefit from Pfumvudza? The discrimination of CCC supporters from receiving farming inputs under the Pfumvudza programme is questionable. There is an increase in CCC supporters being turned away and humiliated across the country and not being allowed to be on the beneficiary list. Despite the programme being for everyone, there has been biassed selection based on political party affiliation. A case of discrimination was reported in ward 27, Chimanimani West at Munyoro village on 23 October. It is alleged that only Zanu PF supporters benefited from government rations during a community distribution of Pvumvunza inputs. It is said that only Zanu PF supporters benefitted 50kgs of Compound D, 50kgs AN Top Dressing and a 5kg bag of maize seed. The distribution was reportedly conducted by village headman Murahwa resident in ward 27. 1. CSOs should engage the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare when there are cases of partisan allocation of Pfumbidzai inputs. Towards A Zimbabwe where there is Peace, Justice, Dignity and Development for All

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