THE ZIMBABWE PEACE PROJECT MASK UP: A member of the Chikhovo community in Chiredzi makes a contribution during a community dialogue hosted by ZPP in the area. The community here highlighted partisan aid distribution as an impediment to sustainable peace One example is that on 16 September villagers in Murehwa North in Goso Village Ward 14 convened to receive government inputs under the Pfumvunza program. The inputs were distributed at the homestead of the local councillor Shadreck Chimuteka, of Zanu PF. MDC activists and other opposition party supporters were not invited to be part of the programme. In some parts of Murehwa North and West, some councilors and agricultural extension officers are demanding that beneficiaries pay up to US$2.00 for them to receive the inputs GOVERNMENT has come up with half-hearted attempts to provide relief, but these fall far short of giving a semblance of dignity to the hard pressed Zimbabweans. For example, the subsidized mealie-meal has never been adequately available, leaving people having to spend hours on queues to just get a 10 kg bag, if at all they get it. Another example is the public transport scheme, where government has engaged private transporters to join their subsidized transport scheme through the state owned Zupco. Government bungling, allegations of corruption and general ineptness have contributed to the current public transport crisis in Zimbabwe. While government has continued to promise to provide relief to those whose economic activities were affected by Covid-19 and the vulnerable. This has been all talk as the only formally announced assistance was a ZWL350 (about US$3.50) token the Finance minister announced would be transferred to vulnerable people While government has continued to parrot its shadowy agricultural support scheme, Pfumvudza, as a panacea to food insecurity, the programme, just like the ones before it, has been conducted in a non-transparent and partisan manner.

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