FOOD VIOLATIONS INCIDENCES FOR FEBRUARY 2016 Bulawayo  On 22 February 2016, residents of Lobengula suburb aged 65 years and above were registered for food relief. But they never received any assistance. The elderly who had been registered complained that they were cheated and believed the food was diverted elsewhere. Manicaland  On 13 February in 2016, in Ward 4 Mutare North, Chief Chipfutsura and Ward 4 councillor John Masondo (Zanu-PF) called for a ward meeting where they allegedly told the community that they should pay up council land levy and cattle tax if they want to be considered for government food aid programs. The “accused” made the call despite the fact that the community has been ravaged by the current drought and are experiencing difficulties to access money to by maize meal. Some people that have failed to pay the taxes on time have failed to be considered for the food programmes.  In an act of discrimination due to political affiliation, on 2 February 2016, at least two MDC-T members in Ward 6 Chimanimani West were denied food aid from the social welfare. The aid was in the form of a 50kg bag of maize meant to mitigate the effects of drought in the area. The perpetrator is said to have told the victims that the maize was coming from the Zanu-PF government and that only Zanu-PF members were eligible to get the food. He further told the victims to get their food from Tsvangirai their party President. The denial happened despite the fact that this was government aid, which should not be distributed on partisan lines. Mashonaland Central  On 4 February 2016, Negomo Primary School, ward 19, Guruve North, headman Collin Muzhona took down names of people in the community who were to benefit from the fertiliser that came from the Grain Marketing Board (GMB). However, the community did not benefit as the headman allegedly converted the fertiliser for his own use.  On 9 February 2016, headman Muzika of Muzika village, ward 9 in Guruve North overcharged the community transport to ferry fertiliser from the GMB. He charged people $3.50 each instead of $2.00.  On 9 February 2015, in Ward 32, Mukumbura area in Mt Darwin North, Headman Muzemba allegedly listed names of Zanu- PF supporters only to benefit for food aid. He denied aid to MDC-T supporters claiming that the food was from Zanu-PF and meant only for Zanu-PF people.  On 18 February 2016, in Ward 17, Rusambo in Rushinga maize from the Social Welfare was delivered but distribution was done at night around 10pm. The 25

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