foot soldiers in the likes of Bushe Shadreck of Mabodza Village Chiundura constituency. The man was doing the Team Lacoste mobilization activities until he was reprimanded by Headman Gwedu. There seems to be bitterness among the Mnangagwa faithfuls after it became apparent that their faction is losing the succession battle against the G40. Highlights:   On 10 February 2016, in a case of political intolerance, Sonny Munda (not real name) who had organised a ZimPF meeting at Muchakata Business Centre Ward 11 in Chiundura, was confronted by Bernard Chimushonga (Zanu-PF) and accused of being a sell-out. On 17 February 2016, in another case of intra party violence in Zanu-PF, Shadreck Bushe (Lacoste) of Mabodza Village in Chiundura was verbally reprimanded by headman Gwedu for openly supporting Mnangagwa. The actor (Gwedu) is said to have told the victim that his actions have the potential to anger G40 leading to the Gwedu headmanship being blacklisted. The victim Shadreck Bushe is a Ward 6 councillor as well as being believed to be a Mnangagwa foot soldier. 22

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